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Free Pre-Abortion Consultation

At Alpha Women's Center, we offer resources and guidance on your abortion options, along with pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, to help you make informed decisions about your unplanned pregnancy—completely free of charge.


Need answers now? Text with a nurse 24/7 at (386) 384-8088 or schedule a consultation.



Common Abortion FAQs

Did You Know?  
  • Nearly 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage, so a positive pregnancy test doesn't always mean you need an abortion. Ultrasounds are the only way to confirm a viable pregnancy. We offer free viability ultrasounds for accurate information.
  • The abortion pill is only legal within the first 6 weeks of pregnancy in Florida and the FDA only approves it up to the 10th week of pregnancy. An ultrasound to accurately date your pregnancy is essential to determine if the abortion pill is an option.
  • Relying only on the date of your last period can lead to an incomplete abortion. A viability ultrasound by qualified professionals is the most reliable way to date your pregnancy.
  • Many women who have had abortions felt subtle to significant pressure to go through with it. You have the right to choose what happens with your pregnancy. No partner, boyfriend, spouse, or parent has the legal power to coerce, pressure, or force you into a medical or surgical abortion.  

    If you feel like you might be pressured into an abortion or if you're unsure about parenting or providing for your child, reach out to someone at our center. We can advocate for you and explain your legal rights.  

    You have the legal right to make this decision. No one should make it for you.

    No one can force you into having an abortion, not even your parents or the father of your baby. If you're feeling pressured (also called coercion), you have options. Request an appointment to speak with a trained client consultant about your choices and legal rights. If you're in immediate danger or concerned about your safety or your baby’s safety, call 911.

  • If you're considering abortion as an option, your first step is to schedule a pre-termination appointment to complete an ultrasound.

    Before scheduling an abortion, an ultrasound will determine:

    • Whether your pregnancy is progressing. This is important in deciding which method of abortion you're eligible for. The type of abortion procedure and its cost depend on your health history and how far along your pregnancy is.

    • Whether your pregnancy is viable. The only way to be 100% sure your pregnancy is progressing is through an ultrasound. Studies show that up to 1 in 4 pregnancies don’t progress. Some women don’t realize they’ve had a miscarriage until it's detected in an ultrasound. If you’ve miscarried, you'll need follow-up care from a doctor.

  • The cost of an abortion depends on the type of procedure you're eligible for and whether the abortion pill is an option at your stage of pregnancy. It can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

    Before making any decisions, it's important to know how far along your pregnancy is. Your pregnancy's progression can be verified with an ultrasound at our center. While we don’t perform or refer for pregnancy terminations, we offer ultrasounds at no cost to you.

  • We offer free ultrasounds to determine whether your pregnancy is viable and to assess the stage of fetal development. As a community-funded 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, we do not financially benefit from your ultrasound or any pregnancy decision. One additional benefit of getting an ultrasound at our center is that, since there’s no charge, none of the procedures will be reported to your insurance or billed to your account.

    Your ultrasound information is completely confidential. We're here to support you as you explore your options in a safe and caring environment.

    You can request a confidential appointment online, by calling us, or by texting the 24/7 nurse chat.

    Please note: if you're experiencing health concerns like bleeding, spotting, or cramping, seek immediate medical attention. These could be signs of a miscarriage, and you may need further medical care.

  • We do not provide or refer for pregnancy terminations or birth control. We offer information as an educational service.

    We understand that figuring out your options can be overwhelming. If you're looking for a safe, confidential space to talk, schedule an appointment using the form below or send us a text. A nurse is available 24/7 to chat, and no question is too difficult.

    Text with a nurse now at (386) 384-8088


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(386) 384-8088