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Do I Have To Tell My Partner I Want an Abortion?

Do I Have To Tell My Partner I Want an Abortion?

Sharing the news of an unexpected pregnancy can be difficult enough, and sharing that you want an abortion can feel even more overwhelming. Ultimately, it’s best to share the news with your partner.


Sharing the News

We know it can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders when coming up with a plan to talk with your partner about your thoughts about abortion. You and your partner may be on different pages.

Though it’s difficult, it’s important to share your thoughts with your partner, as they do have some say when it comes to a pregnancy decision. This decision will majorly impact both of your lives.

While sharing your thoughts about your pregnancy, try to remain cool, calm, and collected. Explain how you came to the possible decision of abortion.

Listen to Your Partner

Though you may disagree, listening to your partner’s input is essential to understanding where they are coming from. 

Depending on their way of communication, your partner could respond right away or not at all at the moment. Giving them space and listening is key.

Think About Your Safety

If you at all feel that your safety is at risk when wanting to share your input with your partner, you could try doing it over the phone. It’s best to stay your distance. Your safety is number one and we would not want you to put yourself in danger.

If you need help learning more about abortion, or your other options, speak with us in a safe and non-judgmental environment today.

Find Support Today

We know an unplanned pregnancy has its challenges, but you are not alone as you navigate through it. Whether you need someone to listen to you or confirm your pregnancy, we are here for you. 

Schedule a free and confidential appointment today.