Adoption Information

When there are no easy options, some women and couples ask: could adoption be right for me and my baby? There is plenty of time to consider whether adoption is the right parenting choice for your child. If you are considering adoption, you have the right to understand how adoption could affect you and to receive support, including counseling during and after your pregnancy.

Types of Adoption

There are three primary types of adoption: open, semi-open and closed adoption. While each one is a viable option if you are considering adoption, it’s up to you to make the right decision for your unique situation. The types of adoption vary in how much contact you have with both your child and the adoptive parents, as well as the amount of information that is given out for both parties involved during the process.

What to Ask Yourself Before Choosing Adoption

  • Will I be able to properly support my child?
  • Do I want my child to grow up in a two-parent household?
  • How much contact would I want with my child after the adoption?
  • Will the father of my child be involved in the process?
  • Will I get to choose the family my child goes to?

We can help you answer these questions and more during your appointment. Contact us today to schedule your free and confidential options counseling appointment. We are here to empower you to make an educated decision regarding your pregnancy.